In Dec. 2011 I had an interview with Facebook. They proposed a coding test to decipher a DNA string extracting the proteins that were coded in it. It was a nice test to play with strings with Java. Some weeks later, I don’t know why, I decided to re-code it. Despite I didn’t had the original text, I remembered enough details of the main function, so I took pen and paper and I added the resulting code to my gists in Github:

Some days ago, I stumbled upon a github project of a guy that had the complete text describing the problem and some examples of DNA strings and resulting proteins. So I though that it was a nice opportunity to check what I did some years ago :-) I wrote the required scaffolding and I checked my function.

Apart from some minor stuff, the function passed without problems the tests. I like it because is concise and clear, at least compared to other solutions that I’ve seen out there. Only 12 lines. And they could have been only 11 if I had returned a list of strings, but it was less convenient for the tests.

You can find the problem description and the solution here.

Also you can test it and play in just 3 lines. Concision!

$ git clone
$ mvn clean install assembly:single
$ java -jar ribosome-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar dnastring1.txt